Create a Token
The PumpFunAPI
class provides createTokenAndBuy
function to create a token on instantly without any timeouts.
You can create a token and initiate a dev buy also using this function.
createTokenAndBuy(creator, buyAmount, tokenKeyPair, tokenName, tokenSymbol, tokenImageUrl, description, twitterUrl, telegramUrl, websiteUrl)
Token key pair are regular wallet keypairs that can be generated using solana/web3js packages, initiate a Keypair instance and send to the client you can generate a custom wallet / token address using solana cli
creator (string)
: Creator's private key.
buyAmount (number)
: Amount to buy.
tokenKeyPair (Object)
: Token key pair.
tokenName (string)
: Token name.
tokenSymbol (string)
: Token symbol.
tokenImageUrl (string)
: Token image URL.
description (string)
: Token description.
twitterUrl (string)
: Twitter URL.
telegramUrl (string)
: Telegram URL.
websiteUrl (string)
: Website URL.
How to create a token on using api?
the below example will show how to create a token using package
const PumpFunAPI = require('');
const client = new PumpFunAPI('', 'your-private-key');
//private key mentioned in client is only used to pay fees of the api
//keep this wallet loaded with sol. fee of 0.002 SOL will be deducted after successfull execution
'creator-private-key', // this will be used as the dev wallet on pumpfun
`0.01`, // this is the buy amount in sol
{ publicKey: 'token-public-key', secretKey: 'token-secret-key' }, //tokenKeypair
'',//token image as url. this must be a active HTTPS url
'Token description',// required, token description
'', //optional